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Welcome to all things glam.... |
Here you'll find newz, reviewz, opinionz, factz, linkz and anything i find twisted enough to share with the world. Anyone with anything to say about any of the bands featured (or any you want featured) then mail me at sleazycome@hotmail.com Yep thats yours truely on the right. Smoother than two greased cougers from planet Big Bollocks! or something. Check out my photos page for great shots of great people, feel free to mail me any cool photos of rock stars, rock clubs the world should know about or just anything cool (or sick) enough to show the world. Remember.... its not what you do but how you look doing it! |
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 Me, either posing for the photo or wondering if i've left the gas on...... |
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Glam Dilemmas.
As people evolve into that higher state of fashion called Glam, one or two problems may present themselves. Here at Lipstick towers we understand this phenomena and have listed such problemettes for your viewing pleasure.
Anyone with anymore please send 'em in......
- Convincing the drunk, trendy wanker that you really are a guy!
- Big hair, small cars.
- Airport metal detectors. "hang on while i unbuckle my boots, belts, trousers etc.
- Living with a slightly homophobic father.
- Going to a school that nicknames you "that gay devil worshipping freak that dyed his hair pink".
- Getting jewellry tangled up in hair/clothes, someone elses hair/clothes.
- Removing someones nose with your jewellry whilst dancing.
- Finding which jacket/cowboy boots are yours after a party.
- Hair dye stains in towels/sinks/floors/doors/ceilings/carpets/pets.
- Being asked to defend your existence in 30 seconds.
- Small children saying "look at the pretty girl mommy" before being whisked away by frightened parents.
- Being picked up by girls just so they can say they've had the guy in the make-up.
- Metal stuff freezing against your skin in Winter.
- Not being able to climb stairs because you haven't broken your cowboy boots in yet.
- Trying to explain Glam to someone who has no familiarity with any reference you can come up with.
- Getting lipstick smudges off everyone greeting you when you enter a club.
- Convincing people you are straight and the make-up is just to enhance your already great looks.
- Getting your sister to lend you her eye-liner.
- Buying womens clothes you know you could use but trying to seem like its for someone else.
- Tripping over your huge heels whilst dancing but trying to look like you meant it.
- Finding food you can eat without messing your lipstick (chips).
- Realising your next cat better have black fur.
- Getting sunburnt through your t-shirt as you havent actually seen sunlight for weeks.
Unknown Gem Type: tlx.tlxinv.guestbook Unknown Gem Type: tlx.bravenet.counter |